Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Life might be shit but the alternative is worse

Monday dawned the same as most other Winter Mondays ..so then grey and cold and a working week as a prospect.

Things changed quickly when, on reaching school, I learned that one of our year 13 students had been involved in a very bad car crash and was on life support following brain surgery. The student involved was a very beautiful tall, elegant, fun and sparky 18 year old. Students and teachers alike were stricken by the news that one of our own had been involved in such an horrific accident. Some of her closest friends had been able to visit her in the Sheffield hospital that she had been taken to when Lincoln decided they couldn't do any more.

I was asked to do the register and tutorial for her class for a few days as her old form tutor had left on maternity leave on Friday and we couldn't really expect the new teacher to cope.

As I sat there during registration and listened to the girls sobbing and talking, telling me and each other about their friend I became aware that this was the first time that most of them had felt the hand of death on their own age group and it left them visibly shaken.

Later on Monday, her life support machine was turned off and she died very quickly afterwards.

I will miss her greatly, she rang most day's to say she was going straight to the other school as she was running late :) Her friends will recover eventually, we at the school will recover eventually but there is tonight a family out there who will be forever changed and my heart bleeds for them more than any other.

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