Friday, 4 August 2017


I actually forgot all about this Blog :) I guess I so rarely have anything much to say. Major news since the last post? Well I was offered and accepted redundancy from my job as Sixth Form Administrator 3 years ago, probably the one thing that I regret most in my life and I tend to NOT do regret if I can help it. Still, onwards and upwards....trying to get a new job when you are 59 is very difficult and, in fact has proven to be impossible.

We lost the two dogs, Delta and Hudson, we bought 3 more - Mac the Malamute and then more recently, Jack and Charlie the Jack Russells :)

Hubby is still working in Teaching, I have more Grandchildren (6 now) , children have grown older, some have moved further away progresses at apace. I am now 62 and hubby 57, children are 42 , 40, 36, 26 and 24 , Grandchildren are 17,16. 13, 9, 2 and 2 . I childmind for one of them each Wednesday - Quinn.

I was recently elected as a Town Councillor and I am really enjoying my role - throwing myself into it totally.

So that is the update - cant think of anything else to say at the moment

Oh my goodness, the biggest news of all - I managed to stop smoking 3 years ago :) *smug smile*