So I have managed to scrape myself through to the end of another working week despite the God of Headaches doing His (her?) best to afflict me to the point of near death since Thursday.
At school we are all in a state of desperate tiredness. It isn't the work per se, more the weather ( grey, wet, cloudy and cold), the dark mornings and dark evenings and the post Christmas malais that descends in January.
I am determined to become more disciplined with this blog whit ' If I do it I will write it, if I write it I will remember it'.
Now in my middle 50's I have to work harder at remembering anything ..well, except how to wake in the middle of the night for a pee!! This is a recently rediscovered thing.. 1am or 1.15 every night . What is that all about then? So my womb stops working and my kidneys decide to help out instead?? Dear lord ..still waiting to find out what is so wonderful about being post menopausal (apart from the bleedin' obvious of course) Skin is crappy, boobs go South, memory goes.....what was I saying?
Talking of middle 50's ..rather a special Birthday coming up ...I was born in '55 and this year I will be 55 ..I just love the synchronicity of this ...though when I mentioned it, my youngest son commented on how peed off he was that in order for him to achieve the same thing he would have to live until he is 93 :)
I hear that old GB is planning on paying the Taliban to be good chaps and go stop throwing bombs and things at us ....I cannot say on how many levels this is a Bad Thing. Still, if it means he loses the next election I will be okay with that.
Also, in the news today .. a man, stationary in a car in a traffic queue - with hand brake engaged has been served with a £60 fixed penalty notice for blowing his nose.
Words fail me!
Final Prototype Update
View post on Above shows a quick clip of my up-to-date prototype
in action. The movement is now much closer to how I envisioned it, I simply
9 years ago