Well, I found the budget a huge let down (as did the majority of people that I have either spoken to or read). The 2k giveaway to people who have an old car and are going to buy a new car ..hmm, so why do you think they HAVE a car that is over 10 years old Mr Brown? Possibily because they can't afford a new car or can't get the finance.
Taxing the people who earn over 150k a year more ..well, most people who earn that sort of money can employ accountants and will soon find a way to not pay the extra.
The usual ca , fags and booze rises and thats about it really. Oh hang on, I forgot the Grandparents perk ..they get pension benefits if they look after their grandchildren ..whoopy do! This only applies to Grandparents who are of working age and I cant see many of them volunteering to give up their jobs to look after thei Grandchildren.
The other big news story of the week that I wanted to comment on was the disgraceful treatment of the Ghurkas by this bloody Government. These men have fought alongside our own men and risked their lives for us and this is the way we treat them? How low can you go?
Anyway, on to other stuff, my 5 year old Grandson fell over yesterday and hurt his knee, elbow and hand. Mum (daughter Lucy) bought him over for me to look at and I said I thought he was okay but to see what he was like today (Sunday). This am we got a call asking us to take them both to the local hospital. 4 hours later, Ollie emerged with a cast on his arm as he has broken a bone. He is very proud of his new acquisition but mum is a bit stressed as she works in a nursery and will have to have the next 3 days off. The Hospital have put a soft plaster on which they will be replacing with a hard plaster on Wednesday and Oliver has to stay off school until then. Lucy does not get paid any sickness time at all so will now not get paid for the next 3 days.
Final Prototype Update
View post on imgur.com Above shows a quick clip of my up-to-date prototype
in action. The movement is now much closer to how I envisioned it, I simply
9 years ago