Well then ...so what has been going on recently? Cameron won the latest by election..or should that be Brown lost it? Brown didn't bother visiting and Cameron visited 12 times hmm...
The war in Afghanistan continues and today the Government are going to court to try and get injured soldiers compensation reduced. Why? These people offered their lives for us and the Afghanistan people
The Labour Government continues to bumble along in it's self righteous nanny state fashion, using sound bite and Sun type proclamations in order to try and get its point across. I feel more and more as though I am missing something here, now what was it? Oh yes, personal freedom, that would be it!
I have a dreadful vision of Prime Minister Mendleson looming above the horizon. I fear the results
Final Prototype Update
View post on imgur.com Above shows a quick clip of my up-to-date prototype
in action. The movement is now much closer to how I envisioned it, I simply
9 years ago